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“William's development has improved greatly since he started in January, such a lovely friendly team

and environment”

Gemma, William's mum

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Pre School Sessions

Aspley Guise Pre School is open Monday to Friday during Bedfordshire schools term times (please refer to the Useful Information tab for term dates).

  • A full day runs from 8:45-3:15 Monday to Thursday.

  • A half day session runs on Fridays from 8:45-12:15

  • After school club runs Monday- Thursday until 6:00pm and includes a hot meal.

Children are provided with a healthy snack* and hot lunch* during each day (additional charges apply).

*We operate a nut free policy. 

Settling In

When your child is starting preschool it's normal for you and your child to have mixed feelings. 

Before your child starts with us, we will organise stay and play sessions and we will visit you at home for a home visit so both you and your child feel confident before they start.  Each child is allocated a Key Worker who will be your point of contact.  We appreciate it can be an anxious time for both you and your child but we feel that building these early relationships helps the transition go smoothly.

All of our staff are very experienced at helping young children settle in to pre-school and have a number of strategies they employ to reduce distress and enable your child to quickly engage in all the fun activities available to them.    

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Aspley Guise Pre School provide an educational structure that abides by the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) Framework. For more information, please click on the link below.

Learning Through Play

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At Aspley Guise Pre-School we believe that learning through play is the most important way we can encourage children to start developing their future life skills. Our highly trained staff plan a varied programme of group activities that are tailored to a child's age, development level and individual interest.

Outdoor Activities

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We believe that encouraging children to explore and learn about the outside world is a fundamentally important part of childhood.  The pre-school is fortunate to be situated in a rural location and we seek to take full advantage of that by scheduling time spent outdoors every day. This may include time spent in our playground, on on our tennis court (including tennis lessons), or on nature walks exploring the surrounding fields and woods.

Early Years Development

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An important role of the Pre-school is to provide children with a secure foundation from which to start their school career. We do this by encouraging independent play and exploration, fostering a love of reading and undertaking some basic introductory phonics and mathematics with our four year old children.

Our Staff Team

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We believe having a team of staff that are experienced practitioners, who take part in regular, high level training benefits our children in preschool.  Many of our staff our degree trained or hold higher level qualifications.
We also believe that having a higher level of staffing provides greater opportunities for the children in our care and this is part of our ethos.

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